Bright Futures

Staff Training in ABA for Teens and Adults

Welcome, everyone, to this training series for managing behaviors in a group home setting. This series is designed to provide staff with a foundational understanding of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and to equip you with practical tools for managing problematic behaviors while fostering a safe and supportive environment for adults with disabilities.


  1. By the end of this series, you will have a basic understanding of ABA principles and how they can be applied in a group home, day program, or individual home setting to benefit the clients we serve.
  2. Our focus will be on helping you better understand, manage, and reduce problematic behaviors, such as verbal and physical aggression or property destruction, using positive and proactive approaches.

Throughout this series, we’ll focus on understanding the functions of behavior, effective data collection, and developing behavior intervention plans. We’ll also explore positive behavior support strategies and crisis management techniques, ensuring staff are well-prepared to handle challenging situations with confidence.”